Programming Lenguages


C++ Course

Con C++ podemos desarrollar Juegos, Aplicaciones de escritorio y Sistemas Embebidos. C++ es un lenguaje de programación diseñado en 1979 por Bjarne Stroustrup.

C# Course

C# is a powerful, object-oriented, multi-paradigm programming language used to create applications with the .NET Framework. With C# you can develop websites, games, mobile applications, desktop applications and much more.

GO Course

With GO we can implement: System and server development, Web application development, Infrastructure programming and much more. Go is a statically typed, compiled, concurrent programming language.

JavaScript Course

JavaScript can create complete Web Applications, Mobile Application Development. JavaScript is an interpreted programming language. It is defined as object-oriented, prototype-based, imperative, weakly typed, and dynamic.

TypeScript Course

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that allows you to write and generate JavaScript code that operates in a strongly typed, object-oriented manner.

Python Course

Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language whose philosophy emphasizes the readability of its code. It is used to develop applications of all types, such as: Web Applications, Video Games and Machine Learning.

Rust Course

Rust is a general-purpose programming language that emphasizes performance, type safety, and concurrency.

Java Course

Java is a programming language and computing platform that allows applications and games to run on different operating systems. Java is based on the principle of “write once, run anywhere”.

PHP Course

PHP is a general-purpose, server-side interpreted programming language that is especially suited to web development. It was initially created by Danish-Canadian programmer Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994.

Web Develop


HTML Course

HTML is a markup language that allows us to indicate the structure of our Web Page through tags with their respective attributes.

CSS Course

CSS is a graphic design language for defining and creating the presentation of a structured document written in a markup language such as HTML.

JSON Course

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a data exchange format. JSON is easy to read and write for users. JSON is based on a subset of the JavaScript programming language.

Bootstrap Course

Bootstrap is a framework that allows web developers to build responsive web pages quickly and easily.

Tailwind Course

Tailwind is a CSS framework that, unlike traditional ones like Bootstrap, does not create components with a single class, but rather has something called Utility Classes, which are specific classes for each thing.

Libraries & Frameworks


Node.js Course

Node.js is used for: Web Server Development, API Construction and Desktop Application Development. Node.js is an open source, cross-platform runtime environment for the server layer based on the asynchronous JavaScript programming language.

Astro.js Course

Astro.js is a static site builder that offers lightning-fast performance with a modern developer experience. Astro.js is designed to create highly optimized, scalable websites that can handle high volumes of traffic without degrading site performance.

Express.js Course

Express.js is primarily used to build web applications and APIs quickly and easily. It is a working environment for web applications for the open source Node.js programmer.

EJS Course

EJS is a templating language which will allow us to execute JavaScript code within HTML and execute much more logic for this markup language. Unlike other template engines, it is very fast and simple, which makes it an alternative to many, easy to debug.

React Course

React (also called React.js or ReactJS) is an open source Javascript library designed to create user interfaces to facilitate the development of single page applications (SPA). It is maintained by Facebook and the free software community. There are more than a thousand free developers in the project.

ReduxToolkit Course

Redux Toolkit is a utility library that helps simplify and optimize application development with Redux, a popular state management library in JavaScript.



SQLite Course

SQLite is a very lightweight database management system, so much so that it is used in very small projects to avoid using other very heavy systems.

PostgreSQL Course

PostgreSQL is a powerful open source relational database system with over 35 years of active development and a strong reputation for reliability, feature robustness, and performance.



Git Course

Git is a distributed version control system, meaning that a local clone of the project is a complete version control repository. These fully functional local repositories make it easy to work offline or remotely.

npm Course

NPM is a JavaScript package manager that comes packaged with NodeJS. It allows you to publish, download, install and manage libraries and dependencies in a simple and efficient way. It can be used both in the web browser and outside of it, on desktop systems or web servers.

pnpm Course

PNPM is especially appreciated in those companies where there is a need to maintain a large number of projects with the same dependencies. pnpm provides them, in addition to the usual npm commands, with some utilities, including pnpm recursive, which is used to run the same command on all projects in a folder.

Markdown Course

Markdown is a lightweight markup language created by John Gruber and Aaron Swartz. Its objective is to achieve maximum readability and ease of publication in both the input and output of the text. It draws inspiration from many existing conventions for marking email messages using plain text.

Jest Course

Jest is a tool for unit testing JS. It was created by Facebook and is open source. Jest is powered by TypeScript. Jest is the most popular and recommended testing tool for React. Jest is not just a library, it is a testing framework.